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Hydroponics simply means growing plants without soil. All required food nutrients for the plants are called hydroponic nutrients, which are dissolved in water and fed directly to the roots automatically. Plants form smaller roots and grow in inert grow media.
Hydroponic Vegetables


Hydroponic vegetables are healthy, vigorous and consistently reliable. Gardening is clean and extremely easy, requiring very little effort. You can harvest at the peak of nutrition value, when vine ripened and they taste great.

In soil, vegetables grow a large root system to search for food and water. In hydroponics, food and water are fed directly to the roots. This enables the plants to spend more energy growing the part above the surface, thus growing two times faster. (See for yourself.) With small roots the plants may be grown very close together conserving space. In general, hydroponic gardens require only about 20% of the overall space required of soil gardens for the same vegetable production.Leaf lettuce is an excellent choice for hydroponic growing.Just like lettuce, most other leafy green vegetables will grow well in a hydroponic system. Spinach not only thrives, but also you get the added advantage of no more sandy grit down in your spinach. Other good leafy green choices are kale, arugula, mustard greens, watercress and Swiss chard.

Green Fodder System


To feed your livestock “FRESH GREEN FEED” everyday all year round, We have specifically designed and developed a highly efficient and cost effective fodder solution.

“SHREE-GREEN” Fodder System is a perfect solution for anyone who has substantial livestock and has to depend on market supply for providing daily fresh green fodder to the animals. We have developed a live stock feed system by which you can bring down your feed costs by up to 50% and further more you will have guaranteed supply of Green Feed all the 12 months of the year no matter the weather conditions. This technology offers low operating costs and requires minimum labor. Depending on the model it require 30 minutes to 120 minutes per day to harvest clean and seed the “SHREE GREEN” System.

All animals enjoy eating hydroponically grown nutritious maize fodder. The Hydroponic Fodder, we offer, has good moisture content which helps avoid animal’s death due to colic.

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